
Save water…save life

Save life

For this ad, the designer managed to illustrator a very current issue of the environment. I feel as if the designer did this in a very creative way that allows the viewer to understand the issue at hand.

For this ad, I have a feeling that the designer used Photoshop in order to make the plant look as if it is growing from the faucet. I have a feeling that the designer did this by placing both on different layers and then moving the soil/plant layer behind the faucet. One thing I also want to point out is the designer’s use of gradients in the background, which were most likely created using the gradient tool.

I find that the designers most effective design element in this ad is lighting. The lighting in the background manages to accentuate the plant and faucet at the same time. This allows the viewer to focus on these main aspects of this ad. Also, with this lighting, the design truly stands out and is overall visually appealing.

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